Voice Teaching & More!

The wonderful thing about the West Coast is the fact we have seasons. We went from dressing in summer clothes to starting the furnace all within the space of five days.

The change of seasons brings a new year in a way. It’s certainly that way for teachers, even private music teachers like me. Now that my beautiful little boy is 15 months old and my other little boy is nearly 4 years old, I am expanding my teaching roster. If you or any of your friends are interested in taking voice lessons, beginner piano or theory lessons, I now have some extra openings.

The Christmas season is just around the corner too which means that the Caminando Carolers are getting ready to sing. I bought some beautiful woolen cloaks from my friend Melissa Howell in Angelus. I am also about to start sewing some new costumes for the Caminando Carolers. New season, new threads and this means that we’ll be able to do more outdoor gigs no matter what December brings.

Laudate Singers has a really amazing season ahead. I’ll post more details about our upcoming concerts in my next blog. 

Until next time.
