Happy New Year 2012
Another year has come and gone. 2011 had its highs and its lows both globally and personally but as a new calendar year begins, I feel very lucky. I have a great husband, two wonderful little boys, the best siblings, kind and loving parents, a job that I love and I won the life lottery by being born in Canada in the first place.
December came and went with many gigs and not a single blog post; shame on me! I could use the excuse of small children and it’s true but if I have time for my Facebook Scrabble addiction (usually late at night), I have time to write a blog post on my own website. So, my New Years resolution for 2012 is to write 2 blog posts per month.
I have added a Friends of Mir page to the site. If you have a website with a service and content that I can support, suggest that I add it and after reviewing your site, I will link your site with mine provided that you agree to do the same. This is mutually beneficial as it will increase the visibility of both of our sites.
I am on Twitter and I’ve just added a Facebook page for the Caminando Carolers. Caminando Carolers will have their own site later this year.
Next blog post around January 15 – promise!