Moving Backward

After a busy month of gigs and end of term recitals in May, June is winding down in terms of gigs and teaching. I’m also taking part of June off which is why I haven’t scheduled very much. Instead, I’m going to get reacquainted with family and old friends in the form of my 20th high school reunion (yes kids, I’m nearly 38 years old) and spend some quality time with my family.

May began with a lovely morning gig with flautist Tanya Kliefoth and clarinetist Ross Curran at the Rhodo Fest at the Shadbolt Centre. Nothing like Schubert and Renaissance madrigals first thing in the morning.

The following week, my women’s choir from Mt. Pleasant Community Centre, the Real Treble Makers performed a wonderful concert at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Our theme was “Popular Songs Old and New” which meant that all of the pieces that we performed were well known to various degrees throughout history. We began with John Dowland’s risqué “Come Again, sweet love doth now invite” and went through the ages with Handel, Faure, Billy Joel, The Beatles and capped it all off with an ABBA. We got some video footage which I may post with the permission of the ladies.

Two weeks later, Laudate performed a glorious Baroque concert of Handel’s Dixit Dominus and Bach’s Christ lag in Todesbanden with a Baroque orchestra. It was some of the most difficult and most rewarding music that I have ever sung.

The month ended with a big party at my home for all of my students. They all sang and played so beautifully. I’m truly lucky to have such a great job. I get to make music and teach other people how to make music too and how sweet it is.

Now, it’s time to renew old relationships with family and friends. See you all in two weeks.